Cluttered PowerPoint Slides

Cluttered PowerPoint Slides

Cluttered PowerPoint Slides

Do you ever have to deal with those cluttered PowerPoint slides? You know; the ones crowded with layers of overlapping shapes and text boxes—and you need to change the one in the middle of the pile! You can’t see what you’re doing on these busy slides. Some people move all the other objects out of the way so that they can see the one they want. Then they make a few changes and then move them all back again in to, hopefully, their original positions.

There has to be a better way. You can use the keyboard shortcuts Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle forwards and backwards through the stack of objects until you can see that the selection handles are around the one you want. Or, you can press ALT+F10 and turn on the…

Selection Pane

ALT F10 Selection Pane

There’s a control to turn this on and off on the Home tab but it’s easily missed. The Selection Pane lists all the objects on your slide and you use it to identify and work on any object. Just click the Hide All button and then start clicking the eyes to the right to show selected objects, you’ll soon find the one you want. Make your changes, click the Show All button and you’re done. It’s so easy when you can see what you’re doing.

PowerPoint Selection Pane

PowerPoint uses its own fiendish naming scheme for all your objects. Name like Rectangle 5, TextBox 4 etc make perfect sense until you have to animate them and then you have real problems trying to identify specific objects. All you have to do is rename them according to their appearance or purpose and you’ll have a much easier time creating animations.

An object named something like “Black Heart” or “Red Star” is a lot easier to deal with than “Heart 4”. To rename an object, click the current name in the pane and replace the text.

There’s nothing wrong with having cluttered PowerPoint slides—you just need to know how to work with them easily.

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