Training Needs Analysis

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the process of identifying training requirements and defining the most cost effective method of meeting them. To achieve a real return on your learning and development investment it is important to find out where there are gaps between the existing skills and knowledge of your people and the organisation’s need for specific skills.

We have worked with a number of clients in conducting TNA’s at all levels to ensure that their training is as relevant and effective as possible.

The TNA can as simple as having an individual complete a questionnaire or involve a deeper analysis of your business requirements. Whether you need assistance in developing a company wide TNA or simply would like to identify which Excel level is best suited to an individual we are always here to help.


Please complete the appropriate TNA form:

Microsoft Access Skills TNA Form

Microsoft Excel Skills TNA Form

Microsoft Outlook Skills TNA Form

Microsoft PowerPoint Skills TNA Form

Microsoft Project Skills TNA Form

Microsoft Visio Skills TNA Form

Microsoft Word Skills TNA Form